Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, and F-bombs in a job interview!

I just read this article that has a few uncommon interview questions. I think a couple of the questions are good questions from an HR perspective. The questions about your favorite restaurant, reality tv show and your biggest regret are good ones and I'll tell you why in a minute. Some of the others are not, but you should prepare for them because a lot of interviewers/hiring managers will ask them. Check it out here:

So here's why I like those aforementioned questions. The most important part of an interview for me is creating an environment where the candidate feels relaxed. There's a couple details involved in creating that environment but when that happens it makes people act as if they're not in an interview. It's amazing what people will say when they get to this point. They talk differently and start to let things fly that they normally wouldn't in an interview. Sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, and F-bombs. Yep, I've heard a few things that'd make your jaw drop.

If you are the job candidate, be careful! Watch out for guys like me!

I do this for a reason. I want to know what they'll be like after the newness and excitement wears off and see them how they truly are.

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