Friday, August 12, 2011

Inspirational Quote of the Day 8/12/11 - Powered by Famous Inspirational Quotes for Windows Phone

"Sometimes it's better to just move on." - Tom Dickson

Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend a joint event with the Utah Technology Council, the Utah Valley Entrepreneur Forum and few other venture capital organizations. The keynote speaker was YouTube sensation Tom Dickson, famous for his "Will it Blend?" films.

It turns out Tom is a good Christian LDS guy from the Bay Area. He is a brilliant engineer that has created several inventions included his patented blenders for his company BlendTec. He had some great words of wisdom, including the above quote. Specifically, he got into several law suites to prevent others from stealing his patents. When going up against a scrappy company with no money that tried to steal his patent, he decided that he might end up wasting his life and money fighting a battle that will have no reward. "Sometimes it's better to just move on."

On the flip side, the movie Flash of Genius tells the story of Robert Kearns who fought his whole life to protect his patent against Ford. He prevailed in the end but it was after 40 years of fighting in the which he lost his wife, children and most everything he had.

Along these lines, you should check out this year's ESPYs award of courage to Dewey Bozella:

In life we all have a choice. We can be angry and vengeful towards those who try to wrong us. We can waste away our lives obsessed with getting back, even and revenge. Or we can choose to move on.

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