Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Informational Interviews Can Improve Your Job Search

I was just discussing some job search techniques with my brother and wanted to post it. Informational interviews can improve your job search.

So what is an informational interview. Simple. It's an interview to gather information, right?

Let's say for example that you just graduated with a Marketing degree and you're looking to land your first job. When the economy goes bad, companies look to minimize marketing budgets because they seem the easiest to scrutinize given that results to the bottom line can be hard to track. So in an economy such as the present informational interviews might help get your foot in the door because you're just out there talking to folks in the industry and not soliciting them for work.

Here's how to best apply it in this situation. Track down some marketing agencies, find out contact information and start calling. Spend some time before you make the calls to develop some good questions, such as how would a young kid like me with a marketing degree fit into your organization? I have some great skills in x and y, where do you think that would help your company the most? what type of internship or entry level opportunities do companies in your industry have?

As long as you keep the questions witty, pertinent and non threatening they are most likely willing to help. Try the hiring managers or HR first. If that doesn't work, call and ask for sales. Sales guys love to talk and usually are more than willing to throw up on you (verbally) all the information that they know.

Once you've done this 2 things happen. One you now know a lot more about the industry you're trying to break into. Two it's quite possible they will allow you to keep in touch with them (trust me they will not keep in touch with you - the squeeky wheel gets the grease here). They might even say "check back in x months" or 1 in 20 might say "you know why don't you send me your resume" or "come on down, we might have something for you." One in 20 is just me throwing out a number. But you'll never know what the numbers are if you don't get out there.

An Even better application would be to start this process with family, friends, and people in your neighborhood, church, etc. that are in your industry or position of choice.

Oh and P.S. make sure you take notes. Good luck.

Try googling Informational interview questions. I've attached the link below. Make sure you pick the more intelligent and applicable questions.


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